Lightnin' Bug Photo Prop Set

I’m from the south. We don’t have those here. We have “Lightnin’ Bugs”. That’s why, when I chose the Fire Flies cable pattern for this newborn hat and diaper cover set it immediately became named “Lightnin’ Bug Photo Prop Set”.

All through knitting it I had flashbacks of summer in West Virginia as a child. Hot, humid, and waiting with our Mason jars with holes poked in the lids for dusk, when the magical twinkling lights would appear. We’d run around each others yards, catching as many lightnin’ bugs as possible, storing them in our jars. After an hour or so we’d all meet up to see who had caught the most. Some blades of grass and a tiny bit of water in the bottom of the jar and our evening’s catch would come inside with us, to captivate us with their blinking lights when we went to bed. They’d be released the next morning, of course, and the cycle would begin again.

Now I just have to wait for this prop to be used…then I’ll have another precious memory, all centered around lightnin’ bugs.

